Rise Beyond Dreams
Transforming lives by reducing the impact of the trauma of a life-threatening diagnosis, debilitating injury and/or natural disaster.
We offer support emotionally and financially allowing friends and families to heal wounded bonds after/during traumatic life altering events.
Healing from the inside out:
Rise Beyond Dreams uses web based technologies to assist an individual's body to heal and families to unite naturally by eliminating stress both emotionally and financially during and after a traumatic event.
Our mission is to create a community of experienced survivors who provide hope, courage, motivation and empowerment to all those affected by a life-threatening diagnosis, debilitating injury and/or natural disaster. While being supported by experienced mentors, we work with individuals to apply for government aid programs. Once the normal bills are taken care of they are free to focus on their rebuilding relationships with each other and healing.
We also provide therapy to grieve the loss of physical abilities, helping friends and families form new bonds. By providing therapy and coaching during trauma, it is easier to identify true desires.
Ways We Help
VISION: A traumatic event disrupts the quality of life for everyone involved. Through our experienced mentors and therapy we rebalance life's stresses; Finances, Relationships and Passions.
Relationships, careers and passions are all affected by a life-threatening illness and/or traumatic injury. To find the motivation to overcome trauma we must eliminate the distracting effects of said trauma.
Financial Assistance
Affording Trauma
Helping people going through, or having gone through trauma, apply for financial assistance. Relieving the cost and ongoing stress of bills that a diagnosis or traumatic experience can bring. This not only eliminates stress allowing the body to heal, but can also add excitement and the motivation necessary to reinvent themselves.
This assistance can mean life or death.
Emotional Relationships
Transforming Families
No one is taught how to handle traumatic situations. Therefore, a life-threatening diagnosis can be assumed to mean the death of a loved one. When that loved one suffers, family/friends can become speechless.
What do you say to your son/daughter going through chemotherapy? Can you sympathize or are you supposed to empathize somehow...
We see every trauma as an opportunity for deeper connections.
Discover New Passions
Rise Beyond Dreams is dedicated to helping the community understand that a disability is a minority. Minorities need advocates that can show them how to move forward, step by step.
Experienced mentors can offer empathy, while others can only offer sympathy. Sympathy however will not motivate you to reinvent your passions, career or outlook on life.
We provide a safe, calm and welcome environment so the body can focus on healing and rebuilding.
Make a Difference Today!
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